Team Coaching with
SKILL-EQ Methodology

In 3 face-to-face sessions, the team achieves alignment, a great improvement in communication and internal relations, and the results are sustainable over time.

Team Coaching with SKILL-EQ Methodology from Susana Jimenez Aprofitalents

The main issue in companies undergoing growth, a digital or cultural transformation is that they start without having an internally aligned and cohesive team. Founders and Managing Directors often place the focus mainly on technology or financial results. 

Indeed the establishment of new technology will help them analyse, and take better and faster decisions while obtaining significant business outcomes.

But, did you know that according to Phd and psychologist Daniel Goleman, success — personal, team wise and organizational — is 80% based on emotional intelligence, or EQ, and only 20% on IQ or hard/technical skills?

Empowering change:

Building trust and team alignment through SKILL-EQ Methodology

Founders and Managing Directors need to accept and understand that its people are those who drive the change and those affected by it. 

Yet, if everyone is not on the same page, it is very difficult to achieve the goals set by the management. 

Our SKILL-EQ Methodology used in face-to-face coaching sessions, prevents, addresses, and solves the issues that leaders face when trying to engage their people to embrace change and digital transformation plans.

After years of research, we see that these issues are often rooted in the lack of trust that internal coaches and directors convey.

They are also due to poor internal communication and relational skills within a team. 

During the sessions in person, they learn, understand, and develop their own Emotional Intelligence and individual leadership as a stepping stone to improving the team´s internal communication, trust, and relationships.

What is SKILL-EQ?

The Skill-EQ Methodology is based on the fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence by Phd Daniel Goleman and includes the years of research and team management by Susana Jiménez, our Founder, Executive Coach and leadership Consultant / Facilitator.

It was created back in 2017, when she founded Aprofitalents. After many years of managing teams and companies herself, she finally saw what really works, and decided to turn it into a team coaching methodology.

Since then, she has helped countless teams improve their results, their internal relationships and communication.

The 5 components of emotional intelligence:

Self - awareness

Being aware of what we feel and how it affects us

Self - Regulation

Ability to manage own emotions


Through focusing on our goals and not on the difficulties


Learn to put ourselves in other people´s shoes

Social Skills

The ability to connect, interact and work with others. AKA: Social Intelligence

1) Self - awareness

Being aware of what we feel and how it affects us

2) Self - Regulation

Ability to manage own emotions

3) Motivation

Through focusing on our goals and not on the difficulties

4) Empathy

Learn to put ourselves in other people´s shoes

5) Social Skills

The ability to connect, interact and work with others. AKA: Social Intelligence

How to start with Skill-EQ?

It is important to mentalize the team before starting with the methodology.

Their involvement is key for the success of the process, which will require flexibility, patience, humbleness, trust,  as well as a change in the mindset of the managers or team members.

Who can benefit from SKILL-EQ?

Here below see who can benefit from undergoing team coaching with SKILL-EQ Methodology.

Do you recognise these situations? Why not get in touch for a free initial consultation?

Aprofitalents founder, coach and mentor Susana Jimenez

Aprofitalents founder

Susana Jimenez

MBA, Certified Leadership Trainer and mentor

Request more information about Team Coaching with SKILL-EQ Methodology

Questions, budget, how we do it. No question is irrelevant and Susana and her team are happy to attend you.

Other focus areas

We work with an online methodology called Leadership-by-Values.

Individual coaching and mentoring, for own development and adaptation to the rapid technological, generational and social changes that leaders face.
We offer inspiring, reflective and motivational conferences, workshops talks in which we share experiences and ideas to successfully lead 21st century teams.

See what our clients say about working with us:

Turki Alangari
Turki Alangari
Senior Financial Expert
Susana Jiménez is an expert in leadership, emotional intelligence, coaching and team management. Her experience and knowledge have helped me understand and improve my skills. Her holistic approach has been transformational to me, not only professionally but personally. I highly recommend her services.
Enrique J. Capdevila Blasco
Enrique J. Capdevila Blasco
Área manager Adamo Telecom
Super útil a nivel profesional y vital , multitud de roll play , adaptabilidad a cada circunstancia en definitiva 100% recomendable!
Eva Pigem
Eva Pigem
Gerente general en The Onsider
Conozco a Susana Jiménez desde hace muchos años. Cada vez que en mi carrera profesional he sentido la necesidad de mejorar, he decidido tener a mi lado a una coach con dilatada experiencia práctica en liderazgo para acompañarme en el proceso de análisis y crecimiento personal, siempre he recurrido a ella. Es una coach/mentora que se implica, que te pone retos y que te ayuda a ver otros puntos de vista, a fin de poder superarme a nivel personal y profesional. La recomiendo.
Rodrigo Huertas
Rodrigo Huertas
Fundador y COO de Atmozfer
Recomiendo los servicios de Susana Jiménez, porque es una profesional que además de ofrecer un contenido de calidad y experto en sus formaciones, es una persona cercana, colaboradora, paciente, comprometida y con valores. Gracias.